Programming Just Need 3 Things!- Beginner Guide

Techy Boys
3 min readApr 13, 2023


Some harsh truth of programming!…

Programming is not typing; it is a way to solve a real-life problem in a technical way. People that do programming are called programmers. We think programmers do a very comfortable and enjoyable job, just typing and against it earns much of packages, but it's a half-truth.

Do you know why we think like this because we mostly see only the best side of programming? which are mostly motivating us to start programming or coding, which is the wrong way to dive into any industry. Please research what is fit for you, not inspired by anyone in this decision of life.

Let’s explore what 3 things we must know before starting programming.

1. Patience

At the start, we tell you, programming means problem-solving, due to this during some problem solving we trap in the problem that is called a bug in the programming language. Moreover, sometimes we face a bug, or technical error in our coding that is mostly out of our senses, it is that point due to which mostly beginner coders left it and demotivate.

But it is not the right approach; so staying learning, seeking help, and improving your skill set much help to stay on track. Therefore, patience is very essential to stay motivated toward achieving goals.

2. Consistency

The second thing that plays a very important role in our programming journey is our consistency. A sign of a good programmer is consistency. Your consistency much matter in your success because if you add useless gab to your journey, it means you will much wasting your time as well as effort.

3. Practicing & Learning

A sign of a great programmer is his ability to practice their skill, and always stay curious about exploring new things & technologies. In this digital world, every day new technologies come into the market and replace other. However, staying motivated towards learning and working on your skills is only one of the best things to stay in the market.


The conclusion of this article is to research what is fit for you, not chose it by inspiring from anyone because sometimes a thing is good for one, but not sure it will be good for another. So, question yourself, it really aligns with your objective and your personality. If the answer is yes then start your journey.

Pulse Point

Before starting coding doesn’t matter what is your background?, How much you genius?, or Have high problem-solving skills, here the only thing matter that is your passion. If you are much passionate about learning programming then do not waste more time, start this journey.

Declaimer: Our purpose is not to demotivate you, our purpose only sharing a piece of info that will help you to avoid regret on your decision in the upcoming journey.

Be curious toward success and good luck.



Techy Boys

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